Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Not to blatantly promote but...this is really good stuff.

I've been using Origins for about 7 weeks now. Typically, when starting a new skin care regimen it can take up to 6 weeks for your skin to adjust to the full benefits. Common misconceptions people have when trying something new is that if it doesn't work right away or if they find conditions get worse, the product will not work. In many cases the skin is adjusting or may be purging which is why breakouts are common when switching to something new. Be patient!

Although it's all very scientific I am going to contradict that lesson. I am not patient when it comes to my skin. If reactions don't subside in 10 days, it's gone! Having more than my fair share of skin ailments in my lifetime I've tried dozens of products. DOZENS. What makes me move on to the next is that after the honeymoon period if you will, the skin gets too comfortable with the product and it begins to get problematic again. This usually happens after 4 months. Another major factor to skin changes is the four seasons. Winter and summer months are particularly unfriendly to it so it's important to change up the products.

My choice to go with Origins started after I got tired of trying products that clean well but leave my skin irritated or end up clogging my pores. The main culprits: synthetic ingredients, preservatives, artificial fragrances and fillers. The only way to avoid any of these are to go organic and all natural. In came Origins. After reading thousands of reviews I tossed my regular products and bought the three most important products in a skincare regimen. Cleanser, toner and moisturizer. Four weeks later I now have a night cream, two masks, eye cream, body wash, body cream and a mattifying lotion. So far no reactions! I highly recommend. Worth every dollar!

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